We need a community to win this fight. Take your fundraising into high gear by telling your online network about why you’re facing the fight by using the tools provided in this kit.


Share your Personal Page

  1. Log in to your participant centre by clicking Login in the top right-hand corner.
  2. Click My Page and make sure that you’ve uploaded a personalized Profile Picture! (Riders who upload a personal photo will see better fundraising results and better engagement on social media!)
  3. At the top of your page, you will see social media icons. Click the icon for the social platform you wish to share your message through and recruit your community of fundraisers to fund your fight!
  4. Use the language below to inspire your community and explain how their donation will make an impact!

Official Hashtags

#FaceTheFight #FundTheFight #NOBRAKES

Select your Social Network


Highlight and copy a message below and paste into your Facebook post

I am facing the fight against cancer for [insert name of loved one you’re honouring]. Help me revolutionize treatment for cancer patients here at home. You can join the fight against cancer by supporting my Ride for Cancer fundraising efforts today. #FacetheFight

I’m riding in Ride for Cancer to keep our moms, daughters, sisters, and friends cancer-free by helping to purchase 4 new state-of-the-art colposcopes at the QEII, which will diagnose and prevent cervical cancer and treat precancerous cell changes before they develop into cancer. Stop cancer in its tracks for women in NS. Fund my fight against cancer by donating today. #FundtheFight

One in two Atlantic Canadians will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. I’m riding in Ride for Cancer and need your help to fund ground-breaking research to discover new cures for blood cancer patients. Fund my fight by donating today. #FundtheFight

I’m proud to be facing the fight against cancer by riding [X km] on September 28, 2019. It will take a community to win this fight. You can support my ride and help fund individualized support programs for patients and families in the fight against cancer by donating today. #FacetheFight

I am joining the fight against cancer with a goal to raise [$x] for Ride for Cancer. Help me fund Atlantic Canada’s first surgical robotics system that will provide shorter recovery times and reduce the reoccurrence of prostate cancer in men here at home Fund my fight, donate today! #FundtheFight


Right-click on the image and select Save Image As…

LinkedIn Posts

Highlight and copy a message below and paste into your LinkedIn post

I am facing the fight against cancer for [insert name of loved one you’re honouring]. Help me revolutionize treatment for cancer patients here at home. You can join the fight against cancer by supporting my Ride for Cancer fundraising efforts today. #FacetheFight

I’m riding in Ride for Cancer to keep our moms, daughters, sisters, and friends cancer-free by helping to purchase 4 new state-of-the-art colposcopes at the QEII, which will diagnose and prevent cervical cancer and treat precancerous cell changes before they develop into cancer. Stop cancer in its tracks for women in NS. Fund my fight against cancer by donating today. #FundtheFight

One in two Atlantic Canadians will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. I’m riding in Ride for Cancer and need your help to fund ground-breaking research to discover new cures for blood cancer patients. Fund my fight by donating today. #FundtheFight

I’m proud to be facing the fight against cancer by riding [X km] on September 28, 2019. It will take a community to win this fight. You can support my ride and help fund individualized support programs for patients and families in the fight against cancer by donating today. #FacetheFight

I am joining the fight against cancer with a goal to raise [$x] for Ride for Cancer. Help me fund Atlantic Canada’s first surgical robotics system that will provide shorter recovery times and reduce the reoccurrence of prostate cancer in men here at home Fund my fight, donate today! #FundtheFight


Right-click on the image and select Save Image As…


Instagram doesn’t make links clickable in posts so make sure to add a link to your personal page in your Profile Bio.

I am facing the fight against cancer for [insert name of loved one you’re honouring]. Help me revolutionize treatment for cancer patients here at home. You can join the fight against cancer by supporting my Ride for Cancer fundraising efforts today. #FacetheFight

I’m riding in Ride for Cancer to keep our moms, daughters, sisters, and friends cancer-free by helping to purchase 4 new state-of-the-art colposcopes at the QEII, which will diagnose and prevent cervical cancer and treat precancerous cell changes before they develop into cancer. Stop cancer in its tracks for women in NS. Fund my fight against cancer by donating today. #FundtheFight

One in two Atlantic Canadians will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. I’m participating in Ride for Cancer and need your help to fund ground-breaking research to discover new cures for blood cancer patients. Fund my fight by donating today. #FacetheFight

I’m proud to be facing the fight against cancer by riding [X km] on September 28, 2019. It will take a community to win this fight. You can support my ride and help fund individualized support programs for patients and families in the fight against cancer by donating today. #FundtheFight

I am joining the fight against cancer with a goal to raise [$x] for Ride for Cancer. Help me fund Atlantic Canada’s first surgical robotics system that will provide shorter recovery times and reduce the reoccurrence of prostate cancer in men here at home Fund my fight, donate today! #FundtheFight


Twitter only allows for 280 characters per tweet. Twitter automatically shortens URLs to fit into tweets. Here are some example tweets that are a little shorter than the posts noted above.

Right-click on the image and select Save Image As…

I am facing the fight against cancer for [insert name of loved one you’re honouring]. Help me revolutionize treatment for cancer patients here at home. You can join the fight against cancer by supporting my Ride for Cancer fundraising efforts today. #FacetheFight

I’m riding in Ride for Cancer to keep our moms, daughters, sisters, and friends cancer-free by helping to purchase 4 new colposcopes at the QEII, which will help stop cancer in its tracks. Fund my fight against cancer by donating today. # FacetheFight

One in two Atlantic Canadians will face a cancer diagnosis in their lifetime. I’m participating in Ride for Cancer and need your help to fund ground-breaking research to discover new cures for blood cancer patients. Fund my fight, donate today. #FacetheFight

I’m proud to be facing the fight against cancer by riding [X km] on September 28, 2019. You can support my ride and help fund individualized support programs for patients and families in the fight against cancer by donating today. #FundtheFight

I am joining the fight against cancer with a goal to raise [$x] for Ride for Cancer. Help me fund Atlantic Canada’s first surgical robotics system to revolutionize treatment for cancer patients at the QEII. Fund my fight, donate today! #FacetheFight



Inspire with video!

To share this video with your networks, visit our social channels (linked below), all you need to do is click the share button and add your personal fundraising page link.

Email this link – https://youtu.be/4PLfv-97FPk to your network so that they can watch the video and be inspired too!

You can also download the video directly from here and upload it to your social media channels!


Copyright @ 2025 QEII Foundation. All rights reserved. Charitable Business No: 88646 3496 RR0001